1991 Grape Trials: Chancellor

A.E. Nightingale, Ph.D.
Professor Emeritus
Horticultural Sciences
Texas A&M University

Date: 1991
Location: Almathea Vineyards – Atco, New Jersey

Acres: 1 acre
Applications: First – when shoots 1″ long, second – post bloom
Rate: 1 ounce Spray-N-Grow Micronutrients / gallon, 50 gallons per acre
Equipment: Hydraulic sprayer
Harvest date: 9/7, hand picked

Spray-N-Grow Treated
: +600lbs/acre (3,500 lbs/acre)
Sugar: +1.5 (21.5)
Acids & Ph: no significant difference Control Yield: 2,900 lbs/acre Sugar: 20.0 Acids & Ph: no significant differences

Treated plants generally more vigorous and had better overall color. Fruit set heavier with fuller bunches on treated plants. Earlier ripening. Fruit hung on better and longer which extended the hand picking season. Differences in yield would probably be greater in a poor growing year relative to temperature and rainfall.

Interested in the influences of Spray-N-Grow Micronutrients on leaf retention in the fall and possible carbohydrate increase to help resist winter damage to vinifera types. Applied a late application in July toward this end. Will continue trials next year.

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