Tettnanger Hops 

 Spray-N-Grow Micronrtrients treatment:

Spray-N-Grow Micronutrients was applied to a Tettnanger yard on the grower’s worst ground.

First Application
Spray-N-Grow Micronutrirents was applied for the first time on May 20, one week after training. Application rate was about 20 gallons/acre of a mixture of one gallon of Spray-N-Grow Micronutrients per 100 gallons of water. This was applied using normal spray equipment with a fine mist.

Second Application
Spray-N-Grow Micronutrients was applied the second time on June 15, when the vines were 6-8 feet tall. Application rate was about 60 gallons/acre of a mixture of one gallon Spray-N-Grow Micronutrients of per 100 gallons water.

These were not the optimum times for application as the test was started late. However, the grower and Spray-N-Grow, Inc. wanted to see what would happen even in these circumstances.

The Spray-N-Grow Micronutrients treated vines had: 
●   twice the blooms as the untreated.
●   longer sidearms
●   yielded 10% more hops, for a total of yield of 1160 lbs. per acre

Since the Spray-N-Grow treated vines had about twice the blooms, the yield increases should have been much higher. There may not have been enough phosphate available to get the hops “up to size”. We recommend adding Bill’s Perfect Fertilizer to the Spray-N-Grow Micronutrients.

This two-treatment application program plus gibberellic acid cost:
Spray-N-Grow …………………..….. $71.50 per acre
Labor/Diesel/etc. .……………………. $ 4.00 per acre
Gibberellic acid ………………….….... $ 8.00 per acre
Total ……………………………………..…. $83.50 per acre

Additional Income:
Yield increase ………………….. 60 additional pounds
60 pounds at $2.80/lb.…………………. $168.00/acre

INCREASED PROFIT_____________ $84.50/ACRE

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